Day energy
The feast of the most energetic people celebrate the Russians on December 22. In the Power engineer's Day, we honor the workers of the industry that is responsible for the production, the sale and transfer of all residents of electric and thermal energy. It is quite clear that such a responsible and necessary profession could not remain without professional holiday!
Officially recognized this date a long time – in 1966. The advent of the holiday due to the adoption of the plan for the electrification of Russia (GOELRO). Thanks to this project was created domestic energy system. And the plan was in 1920 under the clear leadership of C. I. Lenin. Originally the feast of engineers celebrated every third Sunday of December (this is evidenced by the Decree dated November 1, 1988), later authorities have identified a specific date.
So all associated with energy production assistants congratulating 22, in one of the most short days in a year. Celebrate this day not only of energy of Russia, but also workers from Belarus, Ukraine, Armenia and other close-to-us countries. However, this day is not outside, so that even in their own holiday specialists continue to provide people with electricity.
But workers in this festival is celebrated with awards, certificates and gifts, recognizing the need and the importance of their work. Usual for our country and a variety of concerts dedicated to the energy sector, and on 22 December the most worthy assistants are the techniques that suit you the first person in our state.
December 22, you must say a toast in honor of the people who made each day we have heat and light. Remember that even in their professional date energy bear watch and maintain the equipment.