Day kiss
What is a kiss? According to the theory of the ancient Plato in the past people had the shape of a ball. With four arms, four legs, male and female head. Almighty God Zeus angered the arrogance of these creatures, and he divided them in half. So, what to reunite people could only kissing.
This, of course fantasy. But kisses are, and people like that, and in romantic situations, people seized with a great desire to kiss. This strange desire was forced to break the heads of many scientists, and some of them came to the conclusion that the kisses were born around the year 3000 BC. But they were intended only for the gods.
Whatever it was, but there is a tradition for a long time, and ascribe its origin somehow the UK, now outstanding in the coldness of gentlemen. Maybe during the birth of a new tradition (and it belongs to the 19-th century) the British were hot and passionate?
Case – not in history. In fact. The holiday is and we must be careful. Moreover, that about twenty years ago, it adopted the United Nations.
Gradually gaining popularity Day kiss and Russia. And why not? Indeed, in this day you can kiss a complete stranger (of course apologizing and explaining the cause of the behavior). Or to participate in a contest for the longest kiss, and possibly staging the competition of the universal kiss, plunging it all the staff at work or strangers on vacation. A good workout can win in the competition for the most beautiful passionate kiss. To improve health, because hot kiss how to burn more than a dozen calories per day and if we have collected hundreds?
It is worth remembering that kiss are attracted to action 25 of the facial muscles. What not to do gymnastics for the face. Moreover, the skin at this point is better supplied with blood, consequently, slow down aging.
Kisses enhance immunity, reduce cholesterol, postpone the heart attack, protect teeth from decay! So that the Day of the kiss leads to rejuvenation.
Kissing increases the heart rate, increase the level of hormones in the blood that will give you a few minutes of life!
So kiss each other and kiss each other! Prolonging life and promoting health! Fun and entertaining others! Kiss each other more often and stronger! Because life is so short, is it worth it to miss a good opportunity!
If you do not want, shy, scared – your place is not in a civilized society. And the Papuans, expressing love instead of kissing the gnawing lashes favorite. Or on the island of Bali, where it is accepted only slightly touch each other's faces. The lovers of laitance made to dance and RUB the nose on the nose of the partner. Rubbing noses and Eskimos, and in Lapland and in the South-East Indian men instead of respectful kiss pressed his nose to her cheek partner, making for a deep, heartfelt sigh.
Someone like that! So choose. And we hasten to kiss. Us kissing like that!!!