Day of military glory of Russia, victory Day, the Russian squadron at Cape Sinop
Day of military glory of Russia — the Day of the victory of the Russian squadron under the command of Admiral Pavel Nakhimov over the Turkish fleet at Cape Sinop in 1853 — marked in accordance with Federal law No. 32-FZ of March 13, 1995 "On the days of glory (victory day) Russia’.
The battle at Cape Sinop was one of the first battles of the Crimean war began as a conflict between Russia and Turkey. The Russian army and Navy had a significant advantage over the weakening of the Ottoman Empire, which contemporaries called " the sick man of Europe.
Squadron P. S. Nakhimov was blocked in the Sinop Bay, the Turkish fleet under the command of Osman Pasha. After the battle, which lasted four and a half hours, were destroyed 15 of 16 Turkish ships — only one managed to escape.
The defeat of the Turks was absolute: were killed and wounded more than three thousand Ottoman sailors against 38 people killed and 235 wounded in the squadron Nakhimov. Osman Pasha, two of his commander and 200 sailors were in Russian captivity.