Day of workers of fuel industry
Since ancient times, people in need of the natural ingredients, which gave him a warm and warmed him home. The last few centuries, nature has generously gave oil and gas for the needs of the person. And as a tribute to the people who spend their energy on the production of these minerals, every year on September marked "Day of workers of oil, gas and fuel industry." After all, without fuel does not move, no car, no flies, no aircraft, no cooking stove.
For the first time this festival was celebrated in the distant 1980. Incidentally, the oil and gas industry are the main forming budget revenues industries Russia.
Probably, this festival is celebrated in the fall is not in vain, as the front are cold, begins a new school year in schools and universities. This is just the perfect time to take stock of preparations for the new heating season and set tasks for the new fuel annually. In this day accept congratulations and oil bearing watch in the Far North, and the miners, coming down for kilometers under the earth, and Jeka workers coming to the house to check the serviceability of gas appliances. And rightly so, for every noble work, and must be "marked." By the way, this holiday is celebrated more in 6 neighboring countries, such as Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Armenia, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan.