Day sports journalist
At all times the sport was a unifying force, uniting under his banner, not only individuals, but entire Nations. A healthy lifestyle, the spirit of fair competition and the world are composing modern sport, combining the best of what humanity has achieved during its development and existence.
Sports journalism socially significant activities associated with the collection, processing and dissemination of relevant sports information by means of mass communication.
International day sports journalist observed since 1995. The initiators of this feast in the calendar became an international sports press Association.
July 2, 1924, at the international Congress in sports media, it was decided to establish the International sports press Association, which today has about 150 national unions. About 9 000 sports reporters, including Russian, now working 30 000, are officially in the International Association.
In Russia there is the Federation of sports journalists of Russia, uniting sports journalists from 80 subjects of the Russian Federation. The main objectives of the Federation are to promote sport, physical culture and healthy lifestyle among the population, and the development of sports journalism and its veterans.
Every year on this day around the world held a solemn meeting, which is awarded to the best media professionals covering sporting events. In Russia this day honoring the most distinguished for the year journalists, and also carry out sports activities, which the people of this profession not only by word, but in order to prove the commitment to sport, physical education and healthy lifestyle.