International day movie
There is a private day and fans of Nickelodeon. He appeared as the cinema, thanks to the efforts of the inventors of the Lumiere brothers. It so happened that in 1895, they have patented an interesting device called “the motion picture ”. In order to benefit from this system, Louis and Auguste organized on March 22, private screening, which invited only close friends. Then elected were able to see the first movie in history – short film about the exit of workers from the factory Lumiere. However, the true birthday of the film is celebrated on December 28. It was then that the wider public has presented a film about the arrival of the train at the station of La Ciotat. This happened in Paris, the café on the Boulevard des Capucines. By the way, the French had to pay, so this was the first session of the motion picture for the money.
The audience was impressed by the realism of the movie. And so began the history of this great entertainment. The premiere of the first film on our homeland took place in 1908, October 15 – it was a seven-minute variation on the song about Stenka Razin, which took Vladimir Chamomile. Called film “Stenka Libertines”. By the way, the domestic movie fans, there is a unique holiday – August Day of Russian cinema.
In the holiday movie, you can go to the cinema, spend time with friends and to reflect on the theme of world cinema, or enjoy a movie at home. Remember that on December 28, we remember those who got such a great event and fun as the movie.