International day of civil aviation
Besides that the document on December 6, 1996 General Assembly proclaimed the next calendar day a holiday of the civil aviation, it the resolution insistently recommended to the states to create all conditions for its carrying out. The beginning of important professional date for flight attendants and captains, mechanics and flight controllers, and all persons who plans and directs flights, studies weather, it was necessary for 4 years the International Civil Aviation Organization earlier as the main calendar point in the course of industrial progress of public aircraft.
The main objective of this structure – coordination of flights, in forming and application of modern and effective measures of safety for all members of air traffic. In addition this day the professional holiday and those people who work at transportation of goods as air vehicles note and are engaged in establishing navigation.
On December 7 important date for all air gate of the cities to which the international body appropriates the four-letter coding is celebrated. In 1923 the air branch from White stone to Nizhny Novgorod for the first time earned; its length exceeded 420 km. The Russian civil aviation was born 9.02.1923, the relevant Council is created then. The excellent sign – the first flight to plan and carry out to this date.