Teacher’s day
When it comes time to give her, it seemed only yesterday finished kindergarten, child, each of us wants to school years were the best in his life, and the resulting knowledge has become a strong Foundation for future education. Much depends on the teachers, who have to learn a schoolboy.
Every true teacher should love children. This quality is very important in the teacher, because, in the opposite case, the training will process the pains and for students and for teachers.
Also this teacher definitely loves his subject and knows how to interest in it to his students. A good teacher knows much more of the school curriculum and constantly reveals to students the entire appeal of selected science. Then found in children's abilities and talents, and it turns out that many of them want to associate their future with this object.
The teacher must believe, as the axiom that there are no able children and children trudnoreshaemyh, as to any you can find a special approach. A good teacher will never think of this child ’nothing will come”, he will try to take their training to take into account the peculiarities of their students.
A good teacher will never divide children into good and bad, whatever their mental abilities and behavior, will not look at the social status of his parents. He should not be "favorites", otherwise the rest of the class will simply cease to trust.
Teachers possessing all these qualities are proud to schools or other educational institutions, their students love and respect parents.
Because of the importance of this profession, even in the Soviet Union was established holiday - teacher's Day. Although this date was changed several times, we all know that now it is celebrated in October. We can only add that in 1994 was added and world teachers ' day, celebrated on October 5.
Whatever the date of the holiday, our favorite teachers deserve praise and kind words, and on the other days, because it's sometimes hard work that forms the basis of society, from teachers largely depends on the education of people in General, his morality and culture.