World day of blondes
Unusual holiday. Indeed, it is. The first celebration of this international Day took place just a few years ago. And this date is 31 may 2006.
On this day took place the very first ceremony in which he awarded it ’s diamond stud. Was awarded to the most talented, successful, fashionable and smart blondes.
Unfortunately, the number of white inhabitants of the planet, natural blondes and blondes every year significantly reduced. All this is quite easy to explain. The fact that only blond parents can be born child is the blond.
Europeans who have light color hair, usually limited to only one child in their family. In countries that are experiencing a difficult economic situation, it is particularly noticeable. Not every family can afford to have a second child, not to mention the third or fourth. But sorry. In those countries where population growth is progressive – almost there ’blond gene». And it's sad. Sad because every year natural blondes getting smaller.
Scientists believe that the 2210 will not have one blond person on the planet.