World food day
We all love tasty and have a large meal, but completely forget that a lot of people at this moment fast, and all over the world there are problems with food supplies. To remind us about it, there is an international commemorative date – 16 October – world food day.
To raise on this day the problem of global food decided long ago – in 1979, in the framework of the world conference on food and agriculture of the United Nations (FAO) in honor of the establishment of this organization in 1945.
In order to celebrate this day at the international level is to attract attention of society to the problem of the world supply of food and experience the spirit of solidarity and mutual assistance in the fight against malnutrition, hunger and poverty.
Each of us can support this holiday: share your food with those who are hungry, take alms to the poor or, eventually, buy a bowl of soup. Believe me, gratitude is not forced to wait long!