World Humanitarian Day
The UN General Assembly 11 December 2008 proclaimed August 19 "World Humanitarian Day." The date was not chosen by chance. After the explosion in Baghdad UN headquarters people were killed, among them - the UN leader in Iraq. This is the day the people who help those in need despite the variety of situations and dangers. Day humanity, kindness, compassion, which is needed in this world.
The main purpose of this day - the promotion and improvement of the international community steps in to assist in the whole world. I remember the aid workers, who in spite of the danger, sacrificing their lives, helping others. These people are their quick reaction save millions of lives. The task of the day - a reminder that there are people in this world who need help. On this day, the United Nations is considering a new proposal noble mission of humanitarian assistance.
On World Humanitarian Day rallies where information call to join the "noble front" to provide assistance. I remember the people who died saving the life of another person. Holds charity fees, auctions to help the needy, conferences, meetings and various themed events. In all parts of the world every day, replenished the ranks of the humanitarian helpers. It messengers who demonstrate support and solidarity. For them, politics, religion, race is not a barrier. They are united by the kindness and genuine desire to help.19.08.201