World water day (water)
Throughout human history people have fought over water and with water. A global problem today was pure water. Thus, while celebrating the world water day, are March 22, must be aware of the need to care for him. The decision on the formation of this holiday was adopted at the UN conference held in 1992 in Rio de Janeiro.
Russia – water power. Our country has the second largest volume of runoff after Brazil and the third for the provision of water per person after Canada and Brazil. On the territory of our country 2.5 million rivers and 2.7 million lakes. For example, lake Baikal accounts for 20% of the total world reserves of fresh water.
But this abundance of water resources imposes a huge responsibility on our government for the preservation of this natural resource. By the mid-21st century the problem of water scarcity will become very acute, this opinion is shared by international experts.
Water day is a great opportunity to remind people about the importance of water resources. As global stocks were and remain unstable. Due to the extremely high population growth, poor management, and global pollution of the available water is depleted daily.
But in the future this life-giving water will need even more. It is needed for growing crops, sanitation and hygiene, drinking, industry. The huge gap that appeared between supply and demand will soon increase and threaten environmental sustainability.
Scientists are in real trouble, because their projections are that by 2025, about 3 billion people will face water shortages, because water resources are not unlimited, and it gradually turns into a scarce resource.
Every year the UN informs the public about the problem of supply of drinking water, offers possible solutions for the protection of the aquatic environment.
Without water no life. It's important to remember everyone. Careful attitude to natural resources will help prolong the life of our wonderful planet. It is time for humanity to think about what we will leave a legacy to our grandchildren and great-grandchildren.