Государственные праздники holidays
На даной странице представлены государственные праздники Российской Федерации, празднование которых определено соответствующим Указом.
The basis of the Russian Academy celebrated on October 11.
Day of memory of victims of political repression — memorial day mourning ceremonies campaign and commemorative events dedicated to the memory of people killed and injured in the course of political repression. Events are held annually in Russia on 30 October, starting in 1991.
National unity day — Russian state holiday. Notes November 4, since 2005. Last holiday (non-working) day of the year in Russia.
The anniversary of the great October socialist revolution — a public holiday in the USSR. It was noted on the day of the achievements of the October revolution annually November 7 (October 25 "old style").
The capital was saved by the power of the spirit, the courage and bravery of its defenders. And the manifestation of this force was a Grand military parade of troops of the Soviet Army, held on 7 November 1941 in the red square!
Day the employee of the internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (November 10) (prior to 1991 — the Day of the Soviet militia, until 2011 — the Day of Russian police).
Day of missile forces and artillery — memorial day, celebrated in Russia on November 19.
"the Imperial Military order of the Holy great Martyr George the victorious" was established on 26 November 1769 He has short title: "Order of St. George.
Day of military glory of Russia — the Day of the victory of the Russian squadron under the command of Admiral Pavel Nakhimov over the Turkish fleet at Cape Sinop in 1853 — marked in accordance with Federal law No. 32-FZ of March 13, 1995 "On the days of glory (victory day) Russia’.
Day of military glory of Russia in honor of the beginning of the counteroffensive of the Soviet army against the German fascist invaders in the battle of Moscow 1941 established by the Federal law No. 32-FZ of March 13, 1995 "On the days of glory (victory day) Russia’.
Heroes of the Fatherland day (or just Heroes Day) — a memorable date, which is celebrated annually in Russia, on 9 December. Is a business day.
Important for Russia day we celebrate on December 12. It is connected with the most important state document – by the Constitution.
Day of military glory of Russia, celebrated today, installed in honor of the capture of the Turkish fortress of Izmail Russian troops under the command of A. C. Suvorov in 1790. The holiday was established by Federal law No. 32-FZ of March 13, 1995 "On the days of glory (victory day) Russia’.