Holidays at 15 december of 2024 (date 15.12.2024)
Despite the fact that the holiday tea is considered to be international, celebrating its basically only in countries that are global manufacturers of this product.
This day more than 65 years ago in the country founded service of early detection of the enemy air equipment. Radio engineering troops provide with information command posts about an air situation for combat crews. Also at them in work the latest equipment which is able to accompany the air equipment in any place of the globe is used. It is possible to tell safely that they provide rest of the state.
Funeral day, on December 15, in Russia is revered memory of the journalists who died in case of execution of the professional obligations. It is noted next day after the Union of Journalists of Russia (UJR) in 1991 when the journalist Victor Nogin and the cameraman Gennady Kurennoy died was created. It occurred in former the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in September of the same year. They died from the fact that their car came under fire of the Serbian fighters. In Moscow their memory is revered, in Nikitsky Boulevard, to this day.