Day bailiff
In the documents relating to the period of feudal Russia, you can find mention of bailiffs. At that time they possessed considerable powers: they had the opportunity to engage in their work units and the police. Yes and responsibility to the state for failure to comply with the court decision was very harsh. Defendants could be sent to hard labor or in irelandbuy the company.
Judicial reform of Alexander II (1864) contributed to the formation of the Institute of bailiffs existed virtually unchanged until the coming to power of the Bolsheviks.
The position of the bailiff held exclusively moral and trustworthy people. When taking the service they gave the oath of office, after which he received the seal served as a special sign, and testimony, which indicated the place of service. In Imperial Russia the bailiffs enjoyed the protection of the state. Insult bailiff or resistance to its requirements was considered to be a crime against the government and were severely punished.
Institute of bailiffs was abolished by the decision of the Council of people's Commissars in November 1917. At the same time were dissolved judicial institutions. Police officers were replaced by bailiffs, who became civil servants.
The collapse of the USSR, the rise of vzaimozadolzhennost, the arrival of the market economy, the emergence of many deceived investors sharply revealed the low efficiency of the bailiffs. In this regard, November 6 1997 entered into force two Federal law "enforcement" and "On bailiffs". This day was considered to be day bailiff.
They have two main tasks: support for the activities of courts in the prescribed manner and execution of judicial decisions. The bailiff can be no conviction citizen of Russia, whose age is more than 20 years with secondary or higher education, able by their personal and professional qualities, as well as health to effectively perform the tasks included in its competence. Bailiffs take the oath and are in public office.