Day of military glory of Russia - Day of the military parade on red square
Hitler was so confident of victory in the great Patriotic War that reckless appointed a parade of German troops on 7 November 1941. He believed that Moscow had already turned aside and hastened to give his officers and soldiers parade uniforms, made specially for this triumphal procession. From the point of view of Hitler, no barriers do not exist. Thousands of self-propelled gun and tanks rumbled with 50 kilometers from the capital, two million people in the grouping "Center" was ready to crush his power of the defenders of Moscow. And between the Armada and the Kremlin were hastily formed out of the militia and of the group Kuts division, stood waiting for reinforcements from Siberia. But, the parade of German troops did not take place and dress uniform, remained unclaimed.
The capital was saved by the power of the spirit, the courage and bravery of its defenders. And the manifestation of this force was a major military the parade of troops of the Soviet Army, on November 7 1941 in red square! The parade was held in honor of the 24th anniversary of the great October revolution. He lasted a little more than a quarter of an hour and was the shortest in the history of the Russian Armed forces. However, the strength of its impact on the morale of Soviet citizens and soldiers of the red army is immeasurable. This procession made clear to the world that Russia is not giving up that her fighting spirit is still not broken and that Hitler, in vain hopes of victory.
Preparation for the parade was held in the highest secrecy. Too much depended on the successful completion of the event and even one enemy aircraft was capable of inflicting catastrophic damage. And because such danger actually existed. The Nazi command, sent planes to destroy power plants, government buildings, water supply and other strategically important objects.
After the parade many military units went straight to the front. No enemy aircraft had not reached the square. The forces of anti-aircraft gunners and sixth fighter corps was destroyed 34 aircraft, but the enemy was not able to prevent the ceremonial procession.
Marched marched on red square 24,5 thousand Soviet soldiers, whose menacing tread was heard the whole world!