Day of workers of sea and river fleet
Probably not a person in the world, not dreamed in childhood to go on a long journey on a ship to turn the steering wheel gently swaying on the waves, and with delight to look through the telescope in the endless sea. Every boy wants to be brave captain white sailing ship or a pirate schooner, therefore, the profession of a sailor always has been and will be surrounded by a romantic aura.
Professional holiday of workers of sea and river fleet appeared in the USSR due to the active development of various industries. The geographical position of our country, whose territory is washed by 2 oceans and 13 seas, its domestic water resources, with the largest in the world by a network of paths, made water transport strategically important industry, which depends on the economic development of our country.
Sailors and sailors, as a rule, forever cast in their lot with open water spaces, which become their home. Sea and river routes are traveling passengers and transported responsible goods, so the people that control water transport, are brave, very brave and courageous character, and we treat the members of this noble profession, not just with respect, and with great honor.