Day parrot
Today this day is celebrated and the Russians, although the roots of the holiday by far. It is marked on the first Sunday of may, in the French département of the Haute-Garonne. During the day there is a procession, headed by the winner of last year's competition shooters. In order to become king of the day of parrot, one of the archers, dressed in medieval clothes, you need to get an arrow in the parrot on top of the 45-metre mast.
During a competition archers try to hit the target in the form of a parrot, and it's not easy. The most successful and marksman proclaimed king. And Royal treat awaits all participants.
The winner gets a title, a silver copy of the affected target and rich food. The roots of the holiday leave in medieval competition shooters, which was called poppeye revelry. About the same time were started and competition shooters. Historians say that the name of the holiday comes from German settlers, because parrot – pet of the German people, who remembered more about the exploits of the crusaders.
The tradition of Celebration of the parrot was born a long time ago. Similar competitions were held for residents in the Middle ages. Such entertainment was arranged quite often. In the middle Ages holidays was much more than today: new economic, religious, days devoted to the country and the city, family, profession, and many of the pagan celebrations.
As you can see, French people like to be on Sundays, holidays on this day, unfortunately, are not in the hands of the parrots, not decorate them and not fed a delicious meal, and only let their arrows. It's just the competition in accuracy and skill between the archers.
Try to spend your "Day of the parrot" in nature. Place the artificial bird on any platform. If you don't have a bow, you can try to knock the parrot with stone, slingshot or sticks. Don't forget to reward the winner with a prize and to arrange a Royal picnic.