Holy Theophany. The Baptism Of The Lord
the Baptism of Christ or Epiphany falls on January 19 and refers to neprehodyaschi holidays, which means celebration, having a specific date. On the bottom end, which lasted twelve days, Christmas evening.
Epiphany has a popular name - Woodacres. Traditionally this day is consecrated water, whether river or lake. In order to approach the water in the ice breaking a large hole, which is called Jordan. Around her procession, led by the priests, serve a moleben, thereby sanctifying the water. This water is considered to be curative.
The word "crashaw» or "baptize” means “immersed in water. I don't understand the importance and meaning of baptism, not before realizing the real and the symbolic value of water. Water is the beginning of life. From the water, a life-giving Spirit fertilized, there will be creatures live. Earth without water – desert. Water gives life and she destroys, like the waters of the great flood that flooded out the sins of the people and destroyed the evil of men.
According to the old Russian beliefs and traditions, within twelve Christmas day, walking on our land newborn God. These days you cannot work, it is considered a sin. This time is dedicated to the spiritual communion of heaven and earth, God and man, and no worries should distract believers. Miraculous signs follow the appearance of God, the powerful elements come into force, and is given to man to know and to see. Especially this applies to Christmas and Christmas nights. The baptismal night in motion comes the water, reminding people about the Baptism of Jesus Christ and becomes the miraculous power of water. Thanks to divine help from this water, healed the sick, gave her to drink a little child. Since ancient times, believed the people that the sun shines on the Epiphany and Epiphany night unlocks the sky, symbolizing communion with God.
On this day, as a rule, the whole community gathered near a river or lake, where he conducted Church services. Of course, they happen now, but still the color, mystical mystery and brilliance, unfortunately, have been lost. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the climate was much warmer, and we no longer see the harsh and snowy winters. Today, it is difficult to imagine that earlier Royal gates for vedovato, was made of ice. Most offensive of the day were happy children, looking forward to many exciting and interesting events. One of them was the release of doves, symbolizing the holidays came to an end, and they had to let go.