Holidays in March of 2025 in Russia (dates of holidays in March)
In Russia the study of forensic medicine at Controlsince the Russian Federation began work on March 1, 1919.
The emergence of departments of criminology in revolutionary Russia is closely linked with the need for forensic examination. In Russia before the October revolution was practiced various methods of investigation, interrogations, confrontations, searches and other investigative actions.
1 March annually celebrations marking the world day of civil defense.
In each state, this holiday is celebrated in different ways. Most of these animals are celebrated in Europe, especially in England.
This cheerful holiday come from Iceland – the country of the Vikings. Traditionally a Day of beer you want to drink as much of the drink, how much You will be able to fit.
In March celebrated day of those who are associated with broadcasts on TV and radio.
You know how many writers in the world? According to one of their number does not exceed one hundred thousand, on the other – two hundred thousand, maybe a little more.
International women's day — a holiday celebrated annually on March 8 in some countries as "women's day. Annually celebrated the UN international day of struggle for women's rights and international peace. Historically appeared as a day of solidarity of women in the struggle for equal rights and emancipation.
Since 2002 at the suggestion of the International club industry is world day DJ, which is most likely not an official holiday, but a very important charity event.
Day of workers of geodesy and cartography of Russia is celebrated in Russia on the second Sunday of March.
Day archives in Russia cannot be called a official professional holiday. He has not received such wide circulation, like the rest of them, but nevertheless, on March 10, belongs to the employees of the archives.
February 16, 2008 for the first time the RS President Vladimir Putin gave his order to the celebration of national holidays and the Day of workers of the drug. Since then, to celebrate our country every year on March 11.
First sentence for a criminal offence with imprisonment was legally enshrined in the Law code of 1550. In subsequent years, legally regulated terms and conditions, types of management and organization of the prison business, create patterns, managed and centralized under the leadership of the state.
On March 14, have a celebration of one of the most amazing celebrations – the International day for the number "PI". On this day known to all people concerned about the mathematics.
Day consumer protection falls on a day saying President Kennedy fiery speech to Congress in 1961.
Day of trade, consumer services and housing — professional holiday of workers employed in trade (including retail), workers in the service sector, as well as workers whose specialty directly related to housing. The festival has a moving date and is celebrated annually on the third Sunday in March, once in 5, 6, or 11 years, it coincides with the world day of protection of consumers ' rights (March 15).
16 March in Russia celebrates the Day of the education departments of economic security in the Ministry of interior. On this day in 1937, started its activity the Department for combating the embezzlement of socialist property.
In a sign of respect to the police officers, honorably carrying out his duty, 18 March, it was announced the Day of the tax police.
Day of the seafarer-submariner we note 19 March each year. By decree of Emperor Nicholas II in the Navy included a number of ships – submarines.
In the world there is not one person who would not know who the astrologers. But many people do you know that on March 20, the people of this interesting profession, popularly called astrologers, celebrate their professional holiday, which is called world day astrology.
The vernal equinox, our planet overcomes the fourth part of the annual orbital path. This is the date the astronomical beginning of spring season.
on March 21, the whole world celebrates the world Day of poetry – amazing holiday. It owes its existence conference of UNESCO, which in 1999 took the decision to introduce into the international calendar of this celebration.
Children and adults love the puppet theater. How many happy memories of lost serene childhood carries it for adults. And how much joy it brings to children. But where did this miracle, this wonderful world called puppet theatre?
Throughout human history people have fought over water and with water. A global problem today was pure water. Therefore, celebrating world water day, which falls on March 22, must be aware of the need to care for them.
Date professional holiday on March 22, closely connected with what happened at the end of October 1879 event. On this day, the German engineer who worked in the company ’Siemens and Galske» Mr. K. Siemens was awarded a certificate, which allows carrying out works at the plant for the production of Telegraph cables and insulated wire, located in the Russian city of St. Petersburg.
Every year on March 23, specialists of the hydrometeorological service of Russia celebrate their day. This professional holiday was established by the decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 812 "On the Day of employees of the hydrometeorological service– may 19, 2008.
Thanks to the idea of the world meteorological organization worldwide every year on March 23 celebrate the world day of meteorology. In 1950 came into force, the Convention of the world meteorological organization – it happened on March 23. Combining 185 countries, it is a special inter-governmental structure of the United Nations.
Navigators of military air forces it is persons, responsible for navigation, their holiday falls on March 24.
In the Spring of 2007, the then Russian Minister of culture Alexander Sokolov said in his speech that at the regional level in several subjects of the Russian Federation, there are already days of culture workers conducted separately. Minister Sokolov, in particular, noted the need to make the holiday official status and the need for its cultivation with other professional holidays.
Day of the internal troops of the MIA of Russia — professional holiday of all employees and officers of the internal troops of the Ministry of internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Day MIA is celebrated in Russia annually, on March 27. Is not a business day, if, depending on the year, misses on output.
There are people, professional duty to keep the peace, to protect deep sleep and safety, to ensure the rule of law, to prevent, punish and investigate crimes. These people are – the Ministry of internal Affairs.
Art forever! This is especially true of the servants of the muses Melpomene and Thalia, his acting brought the spectators in awe from the time of antiquity.
Since 2007, every March 29, military lawyers of the Russian Federation celebrate their professional holiday. This holiday helps citizens understand the importance of lawyers as complex specialization and allows us all to Express my gratitude to the people that make a significant contribution to creating a safe atmosphere in our country.