Day Navy
Russia is a great and mighty sea power. Their right to this title, our country has earned the courage and dedication of many generations of our compatriots, terzibasi brilliant victory in the naval battles and all included in the glorious history of the Navy.
The creation in Russia of the regular Navy is caused by the need to overcome social and economic development of the state. The first warship created by Alexey Quietest, was built by the project of Cornelius Vanbooven - shipbuilder from Holland. Perfect for those times the vessel is received in honor of the state emblem of the proud name of “eagle” had a 24.5 meter length of 6.5 meters wide and was armed with 22 guns. The crew of the ship consisted of 22 sailors and 35 Riflemen.
At the end of 1696, thanks to the efforts of a young Peter, the boyar Duma have adopted the decision on creation of the Russian Navy. This step was the beginning for the construction of ships of different classes on numerous scattered throughout the Russian territory shipyards. To the early 1700's, the Russian fleet had already 40 sailing and 113 rowing boats and regularly replenished.
Our Navy has behind it a vast heroic biography, being truly a matter of pride and love of country's citizens. His stories are great battles, important discoveries and unforgettable exploits for the glory of the Fatherland. Many generations of sailors defended the honor of their homeland in harsh for us years of trial, claiming the right to freedom and prosperity.
Day Navy is one of the most beloved national holiday, it is celebrated a solemn military parades, water views, and sports. The purpose of these activities is to demonstrate the strength and power of the Navy - one of the most important branches of the Armed forces of Russia. Also Navy day in Russia is often marked with the Day of Neptune.