Day of Metallurgist
Metallurgy as the art of producing, smelting and processing of metals known since the 7th Millennium BC. Its beginning it takes since the invention of mankind for the smelting of copper. Since then, black and nonferrous metallurgy became the basis of all industry, their products are used in construction, engineering and agriculture. And with the development of nuclear power engineering metallurgy - start of production of radioactive metals.
Russia has always been rich in natural resources, and today metallurgical production is one of the most important branches of domestic industry. In addition, the metallurgy is also a significant area of science and technology, which includes obtaining metals from ores, the changes of chemical composition, properties and structure of metallic alloys and giving the metal a certain form. Without experts of this heavy craft would be impossible to ensure the normal work process at the enterprises of heavy and light industry.
People of different professions, from the steelmaker to the Director of the metallurgical plant, every third Sunday of July we celebrate the Day of Metallurgist, celebrate throughout the country, but especially in cities with large metallurgical plants.