Day of Remembrance of the victims of World War I
Many of us remember only about World War II and how many soldiers and civilians died during this period. First World War was forgotten and polluted that its actions were unfair. But, despite this, the soldiers did their duty and died in defense of their homeland. Only Russia has lost six hundred thousand soldiers in the First World War.
The first Memorial Day was celebrated in 1915, and in 1916 in Vyazma unveiled a monument to the fallen soldiers. Unfortunately, in 1920 the monument was demolished.
During perestroika Day of memory of victims has been renewed. This holiday is celebrated in many countries and it is in this day in churches read the memorial service for the dead soldiers. Laying flowers and wreaths on the graves of soldiers who died in the First World War. According to estimates for this period killed nearly ten million soldiers.
Thanks Lisitsyn, who made this date in the calendar of military glory and memorable dates in Russia, is now celebrated annually on August 1 Day of memory of victims of the victims of the First World War.
You must always remember those events in which civilians were killed and soldiers of our country. After all, though, what it was a war: First or second, people fought to defend their country. We must not forget them once a year to lay flowers on their graves.