Day of the frontier guard
Border guards are in Russia great respect, often called "watch homeland’. The border of the country – it is responsible and complex. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the borders of the country has decreased, but not to protect them has become easier.
Following the development of economic and political changes in the world, the task of border guards expand and become more complex. Not only do they protect the country from the penetration of the enemy, as before, but also oppose illegal migrants, smugglers and terrorists. Protecting the borders, the border guards sometimes risking both their lives.
The defense of the borders has always been a matter of great importance. In Ancient Russia was built special structures – note that onslaught of enemy troops. At that time they were coming to Russia with the raids of the Mongols. The abatis was standing guard, which was called "defense". The frontier guard had become a kind of prototype of the border troops.
The border is not easy at any time, but during the war they take the full brunt of the enemy. All I remember feat the heroes of the Brest fortress, but also on many other posts guards defended themselves to the last.
Day of the frontier guard – a relatively young festival, but the tradition of honoring these brave people go deep into history. The date was chosen in honor of the establishment of Border protection in Russia shortly after the revolution.
People associated with our army, honor in all Russian cities: on the Day of the frontier guard bring flowers to the monuments, held military parades, with numerous scenes songs and greetings. In the evening of the day you can enjoy the fireworks.
Russia ’ s not the only country celebrating the Day of the frontier guard. For some former republics of the Soviet Union this holiday is also a state.