Day of the legal service of the Ministry of internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
On this day, the Ministry of internal Affairs congratulates their employees - employees legal services with a professional holiday and encourages outstanding state awards, government diplomas and memorable gifts.
The first specialized legal division appeared in Russia at the police Department in 1880. His servants were developed instructions for legal counselling offices. After coming to power, the revolutionary legal order police unit was disbanded. And only at the end of the great Patriotic war, the structure was reconstituted as the Ministry of internal Affairs in connection with the new life approaches felt the strong dependence of legal support of their activity.
July 19, , 1946, the Ministry of internal Affairs of the USSR created the legal service. Its task was to monitor the legality of the orders and advice of the heads of the interior Ministry in legal matters. Initially in the Department of legal support consisted of 14 people, but with the 50-ies began to appear legal offices in the regions, and the office of legal counsel has been introduced in all police.
Today at the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia employs more than 5,000 lawyers whose efforts each year is made legal expertise 500 thousands of regulations and legal documents. The lawyers of the Ministry of interior to protect the property interests of the Department in the courts that annually prevents the expenditure of several million rubles. Legal service shall inform personnel of the Ministry of new legal acts concerning the activity of the internal troops.
Given the importance of the work performed by these professionals work, and with the aim of enhancing the role of divisions of legal support since 2003 every July 19, Russia celebrates the Day of the legal service of the Ministry of internal Affairs. On this day, the leadership of the Ministry of internal Affairs congratulates its employees legal services holiday encouraging awarded state awards, government diplomas and memorable gifts.