Florist Day
At all times people tried to aesthetic beauty, stretched to the entire beauty and tried to learn the secrets of nature. Florists - this is precisely the representatives of the profession who are able to paint our gray days, presenting the beauty of the flowers and their unique fragrance. Wizards florists are able to "create" the mood of others with the help of Mother Nature.
His profession takes the start in Ancient Egypt. The palaces and temples Egyptians decorated with unique compositions of flowers and herbs. The Greeks were great aesthetes. It was there that appeared the first experts who were engaged in weaving wreaths and drawing flower arrangements. In Greece, all plants assigned reasonable ability. In the Middle Ages the magic colors of polonium and Christianity.
Tradition "to give bouquets" first appeared in France, and the knowledge of the language of flowers was considered good form. At the same time, women in Russia, as the appreciation of his gentlemen, get cuffs - cardboard pallets, edged with openwork tulle or satin. Unfortunately, this fantasy florists ended.
Today it is very difficult to imagine any holiday or celebration without the use of compositions of flowers. These fragrant gifts of nature are awarded as gifts, they decorate the tables, rooms. However, nice and tasteful talk about their feelings, to emphasize the respect and trust can only literate floral arrangement.
Floristry in the modern world - is not just a profession, it is a gift and an art color worship. In each his creation professionals put their hearts and expertise. Florists are in our world beautiful. I thank them for it!