Сadastral engineer Day
July 24 marks the Day of the cadastral engineer. This day was chosen as a holiday for members of the profession due to the date of registration of the Federal Law "On State Real Estate Cadastre". A major role in the establishment of the festival has played an initiative of "Cadastral Engineers". Through their facilitation achieved significant growth in the prestige of the profession.
Assessment of site conditions, determine its boundaries, the preparation of technical documentation, preparation of technical plan properties - all these activities are carried out by one person. An important detail: to conduct the above works are allowed only persons whose qualifications confirms a valid diploma.
Cadastral Engineers now combine the functions of several posts. They should understand the Geodesy, zemleustroenii, be able to assess the condition and value of the land. It is an important addition to the above skills is knowledge of jurisprudence. It is because of the high complexity and importance of the labor process, the representatives of the profession were awarded their holiday. On this day, the congresses, conferences, solemn meeting, during which employees receive congratulations from colleagues and superiors, engaged in a discussion of pressing problems that have accumulated over the past year