Upcoming holidays and events
Memorial day citizens of the Soviet Union, playing call of duty abroad — official commemorative date in the Russian Federation designed to honor the memory of soldiers-internationalists who international duty outside the borders of their homeland. Celebrated annually on February 15.
How often, in our terrible century of violence and lawlessness we show kindness and mercy to those who live near us? Unfortunately, rare. Busy with their own Affairs and concerns, angry at each other because of the indifference of bureaucrats, the constant lack of money, family problems, problems at work we are rude to their neighbors, pass by the man who was in trouble.
Ever since he first transport carrying passengers over long distances, there is a need to maintain public order, transport, protection of persons and property of citizens in the path.
This holiday is celebrated all over the planet. He was not only the day of the protection of whales and all creatures that live in the oceans and seas. For the first time it was celebrated from 1986, when the Global whaling Commission (IWC) after ruthless bicentennial destruction imposed a ban on the hunting of sea mammals.
International mother language day is celebrated is not the first year. No wonder, because the native language – this way of thinking, and culture of the population. Because of their diversity on the planet is a huge heritage of mankind.
on 22 February 1990, the government of England has published "the Charter for victims of crime. Since all democratic and civilized world began on this day to support victims of crime.
Defender of the Fatherland day — a holiday celebrated on February 23 in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan and Transnistria. Non-working public holiday.
International day white (polar) bear note 27 February.
International rare disease day is celebrated on February 29 in leap years, in other years - February 28.
In Russia the study of forensic medicine at Controlsince the Russian Federation began work on March 1, 1919.
The emergence of departments of criminology in revolutionary Russia is closely linked with the need for forensic examination. In Russia before the October revolution was practiced various methods of investigation, interrogations, confrontations, searches and other investigative actions.
1 March annually celebrations marking the world day of civil defense.
In each state, this holiday is celebrated in different ways. Most of these animals are celebrated in Europe, especially in England.
This cheerful holiday come from Iceland – the country of the Vikings. Traditionally a Day of beer you want to drink as much of the drink, how much You will be able to fit.
In March celebrated day of those who are associated with broadcasts on TV and radio.
You know how many writers in the world? According to one of their number does not exceed one hundred thousand, on the other – two hundred thousand, maybe a little more.
International women's day — a holiday celebrated annually on March 8 in some countries as "women's day. Annually celebrated the UN international day of struggle for women's rights and international peace. Historically appeared as a day of solidarity of women in the struggle for equal rights and emancipation.
Since 2002 at the suggestion of the International club industry is world day DJ, which is most likely not an official holiday, but a very important charity event.
Day of workers of geodesy and cartography of Russia is celebrated in Russia on the second Sunday of March.
Day archives in Russia cannot be called a official professional holiday. He has not received such wide circulation, like the rest of them, but nevertheless, on March 10, belongs to the employees of the archives.